A resident of Mount Vernon for 7 years, M.B. is a mother of four and grandmother to a grandson who adores her children. “The Mount Vernon Level Up program has impacted my life in such a profound way this last year. It has taught me things such as better money management (savings), budgeting, and how to make wiser financial decisions. I was able to make Christmas ‘The best one yet’ for my children and grandson and I was able to have two wonderful holiday meals (Thanksgiving a Christmas) with my family. The program was able to relieve some stress when it came to paying for last-minute expenses as well. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to participate in this program's pilot year and thank all involved in this wonderful opportunity!”

"I was able to make Christmas ‘The best one yet’ for my children and grandson and I was able to have two wonderful holiday meals (Thanksgiving and Christmas) with my family. The program was able to relieve some stress when it came to paying for last-minute expenses as well."