Artist Briauna created a coloring book to commemorate Saint Paul’s guaranteed income pilot that includes illustrations, self-care suggestions and a prosperity word find. “Art and coloring is therapeutic — you can relax and relieve stress. People who don’t have a lot of income don’t have time to relax and hone in on self-care a lot — at least, that is my experience. You feel like you’re sinking, drowning, stuff like that. So I made a coloring book with images that bring joy, remind you to take self-care, and [feel] gratitude.”
“This pilot is very near and dear to me, because I’ve worked three jobs at one time before. I think that guaranteed income is probably preventing a lot of people from being homeless, or on the verge of it, or having to make tough decisions about food and basic necessities.[2] Going into my own mindframe here, it’s like, is this how life is supposed to be designed for us to live? Why are we all working? Why don’t we have gardens and sustainability and be able to have a simpler lifestyle? But since we are here, and this is the roles that we find ourselves in, I think [guaranteed income] just creates that environment of being free. Of feeling above water.”

“I think that guaranteed income is probably preventing a lot of people from being homeless, or on the verge of it, or having to make tough decisions about food and basic necessities.”