Regina is a passionate mom of three kids, ages 4, 8, and 10. Like most parents, she knows the challenge of needing to work to support your family but having most of those earnings go towards childcare. In early 2022, Regina had just started a new job and was working a lot of hours, but still not earning enough to cover basic needs for her family. "Other people say, 'you need to put in more hours'. That might sound logical to some people, but if you think about it, who's gonna watch your kids for you to work more hours?" For her, receiving funds through MFF has provided a stable and consistent source of income to supplement her earnings. Since joining MFF, the payments have helped Regina cover her bills each month. "[With MFF,] I'm not choosing between bills anymore, which one to pay now and which one to wait on to pay later." Regina says programs like this just make sense and she would like to see every family who needs it have access to a basic income. "If there’s not being any pay increases with labor, and minimum wages not going up, plus everything is getting more expensive, I think we should go for it!"

"Other people say, 'you need to put in more hours.' That might sound logical to some people, but if you think about it, who's gonna watch your kids for you to work more hours?"