Onesha is a 21-year-old mother of a 2-year-old daughter. Before receiving a guaranteed income, Onesha was having trouble affording daycare, paying bills on time, and saving money. A guaranteed income has given her financial stability and reduced the stress she feels every month. “I felt so much stress relief when I was able to pay my first bill.” Now Onesha can grow her personal savings and work towards buying a car and securing housing. She is also able to buy necessities for herself and her daughter, like coats and hoodies. She was also excited to be able to plan for her daughter’s birthday, and happy that she can save for Christmas. She feels that a guaranteed income should be available to more people nationwide because it can support low-income young people be better parents and people. “Just because you are from a challenging neighborhood doesn’t mean that’s who you are. I know a lot of good people from challenging neighborhoods that this money would help.”

“I felt so much stress relief when I was able to pay my first bill.”